My name is Karin.
I'm a 44 years old Danish / Swedish woman.
I like: Kids and Animals.
My Hobbies are: My Computer. Special Events.
Sport (+ more): Martial Art / Self defens (Karate / tried it), Gymnastics (tried it), Gun shooting (tried it), Archery (tried it), Skiing (tried it), Horse riding (tried it), Basketball / Football / Ice Hockey / Chief ball / Round ball (tried it), Dancing
(Hip Hop/ Square dance / Street Jazz / Street Funk / Twist / Rock'n'Roll - tried it). IceHockey (Newbie).
- My fave football teams are: Tottenham, Manchester United, Malmö FF, Elfsborg and Brondby IF (Of course the Swedish + Danish International
- My fave B-Ball teams are: Chicago Bulls and LA Lakers.
- My fave Ice Hockey team is: Rødovre Mighty Bulls.
Former work: Cleaning Assistent, Babysitter, Newspaper deliver, Postman(lady), Supermarked helper, Guard (Volunteer), Kindergarten helper, Web-Designer, Waitress.
Languages: Swedish, English, German, Irish, Italian, Spanish, French... Of course Danish.
Places I've been to: France(10), Spain(2), Ireland(1), UK(2), Holland(1), Sweden(Lots), Norway(2), Germany(Lots), Belgium(1). Poland (1).
Family: I still have both parents (still together after 50 yrs) and 4 sisters. - Then I have 2 brothers in law, 1 niece and 1 nephew.
Pets: I have a 2 years old female Budgie called Lisa.
I've always wanted to make a site about all the people I've met. I've met lots of famous persons through the years from all around the world. Almost:
The World of Sport
The World of Music
The World of TV
The World of Events
The World of Costumes
And it goes on.
I've also made a little page with things in my life that I treasure more than ever.
One more thing: Do NOT: COPY, USE, SHARE (so on). any of my pictures on here.